Leather fake book containers: an original and refined idea to store and enhance wood samples

Bookbinding Conti Borbone made for one of its loyal customers, the master cabinetmaker Luciano Molinari, a series of leather fake book containers, which contain inside the sampling of the woods with which he creates his beautiful objects.

Luciano Molinari is a craftsman of great experience and passion, who dedicates himself to the processing of wood in all its forms and nuances. In his workshop in via Padova in Milan, he makes works of cabinetmaking, inlay, turning and restoration, using precious woods from all over the world.

Among his most original and appreciated creations, there are the artistic spinning tops, which combine the tradition of the children’s game with the beauty and quality of the materials.


To display and store his wood samples, Luciano Molinari chose to rely on Legatoria Conti Borbone, who was able to interpret his needs and create leather fake book containers, which fit perfectly to the style and atmosphere of his workshop. The containers are made of leather and hand-marbled paper, decorated with titles and golden motifs, reminiscent of ancient books. Inside, they are divided into compartments where the wood cubes are inserted, numbered and cataloged according to the origin, the common name and the botanical name. Each container is a unique and special piece, which tells a story of art and nature.

Legatoria Conti Borbone is proud to have collaborated with Luciano Molinari, a master cabinetmaker who shares with us the love for wood and craftsmanship. If you want to discover his works, you can visit his website www.molinariebanista.it or his workshop in via Padova 267 in Milan. If you want to order leather fake book containers, contact us and we will be happy to meet your requests.

I am Angelo Marchesi, a bookbinder following in the footsteps of my family, who owns the Bookbinding Conti Borbone, founded over a hundred years ago. My passion is to preserve and enhance ancient books, restoring them with care and respect. I also enjoy creating new volumes, personalized and original, using high-quality materials and traditional techniques. Bookbinding, for me, is an art that demands dedication, creativity, and precision.

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